Webgärtner's website guide
Caution trap" section. View all posts
Warning letters regarding Google Fonts
Whenever you think it can't get any more perfidious, you are surprised again by the ingenuity of some black-hat lawyers. In the last few days, two law firms (a lawyer with a Düsseldorf address and a lawyer from Berlin) have received a number of...
To the article...Current phishing scam: Your email inbox is full
Recently, there has been an increase in phishing emails purporting to come from large Internet providers such as Strato or 1und1 and informing the addressee that their email inbox is full. Of course, there is also a request to register on a...
To the article...Achtung! Abzockversuch am Telefon durch Drohung: “Wir löschen Ihre Suche bei Google”
Due to the current situation, we would like to warn you about another scam from rip-off artists on the phone. One of our customers reports a call from a dubious company threatening to delete her website from Google's search index...
To the article...Caution: SMS parcel notification
A current security issue with a high level of explosive potential is the current circulation of text messages with alleged parcel notifications including links to - supposed - shipment tracking. Under no circumstances should these links, or links in text messages in general, be accessed.
To the article...Recognise phishing e-mails - avoid damage
Again, running a website is like running a garden: Not everything that grows and thrives there is useful and desirable. Phishing emails, for example, are extremely annoying and dangerous - especially if you have a website...
To the article...