Webgärtner's website tips

Am in the garden" section. View all posts

  • Messages to GMail not deliverable? A quick solution.

    With error messages with the subject "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender", the destination server of our mail informs us that it is unable to forward our message to the desired destination address. Very specific error messages...

  • The Co2 footprint of your website

    Now I want my website to contribute to global warming - how is that possible? If your website contains a lot of moving graphics, for example, your web browser needs more computing power to render the animations. The...

  • Why are links actually underlined and blue?

    The "link" is so burnt into the brain as a design element on the internet that it is only perceived subconsciously. But when did these things actually start to exist? A journey back into uncharted territory on the Mozilla blog.

  • Video conferencing simple and secure

    Video conferencing is currently experiencing an unexpected increase in popularity. People are working and learning from home and so many of them, more or less forced by circumstances, are taking their first steps with video-supported conversations at...

  • What do plants actually have to do with websites?

    What does the garden metaphor say about website development anyway? What Hubert observes in the planning and care of his garden is also of central importance in homepage development. And what does the garden gnome stand for?


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