Webgärtner's website tips

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  • WordPress beginner tips

    A few beginner tips for daily (or occasional) work with WordPress. No secret hacks, but the little settings that help especially with the first steps with WordPress, but are easy to overlook.

  • WordPress Security. Which measures are secure and pragmatic

    Above all, its widespread use and open architecture with numerous third-party extensions make Wordpress, which is basically not conspicuously insecure, a worthwhile target for hackers. Therefore, in addition to regular updates of system...

  • Pagespeed and user-friendliness: Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor

    Experience factors, i.e. user-friendliness parameters, are increasingly playing a significant role in Google rankings. In particular, the Core Web Vitals, a series of measured values for the loading time of websites, are being given greater consideration. This means that beyond the content...

  • Statistics cookie-free: run Matomo without biscuits

    In the article on the subject of cookie consent, it was already pointed out that website statistics with Matomo are also possible without cookies. Why then are cookies used in Matomo at all and what are the consequences of deactivating them?

  • Why the annoying cookie notices?

    In this post we explain why you've been seeing cookie consent windows on many websites for some time and whether they are necessary on your website.

  • E-commerce: Create a webshop

    The ongoing coronavirus crisis is forcing many shops, especially smaller ones, to close their local shops for longer and longer periods of time. Online retail, however, is flourishing. In this situation, even small retailers have the opportunity to successfully expand online with good ideas.

  • Access data under control

    Convenience in dealing with access data and passwords often leads to security risks. Yet secure solutions are not that difficult.

  • Sequence for WordPress updates

    For the secure operation of a Wordpress site, it is necessary to regularly update both the basic system and the extensions. For reasons of operational safety, it is advisable to follow a certain sequence of steps.

  • Perfectly planned websites - are an illusion

    A fatal decision for you as a website creator is to plan your website down to the smallest detail. A website accompanies you on the journey of your company's lifetime. You can plan its structure to allow for growth...

  • No selfies on your website

    As an entrepreneur, artist or organisation, you are often tempted to present yourself differently on the Internet than you really are. We call it the "selfie" effect: the web is full of happy faces. But which people remain...


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