Planning is the cornerstone of a successful website project. And it is your guide for later expansions. The more thoroughly you work through this phase, the smoother the project will run later on. The planning phase for a website project can be broken down as follows:


This is where the basic idea for your website is devised. This includes defining the purpose of the website and identifying the main objectives. Be as precise as possible here, with the goal "I want a nice website that will win me more customers" you are right, but it is too imprecise to work with. If you have problems with this step, we will be happy to advise you.

Target group analysis

The primary and secondary target groups are determined and precisely described for your website (e.g. excerpt from the target group analysis of a website project: "...Our target group is not just people with dementia, but everyone who comes into contact with people with dementia within society. This could be the police, hospitals, carers, but also local authorities, public institutions or retailers, for example.

Vision and strategy

The vision for the website is based on the concept and target groups. It defines the long-term goals of the website and the development of a strategy to achieve them.

Brand development, visual identity and logo

The aim here is to describe the results found above in relation to the brand, logo and visual identity. This phase should not be confused with the actual design phase. For example: "Since our platform is mainly aimed at people who are already stressed and are looking for help quickly, it is important to use colours that are calming and a font that is easy to read and rather factual"

Technical planning

Here it is decided which technologies are to be used for the development of the website.

Don't skip the planning phase!

The planning phase is neglected, especially for small website projects, and sometimes even omitted altogether, purely according to the musician's motto "We fix it in the mix".

We recommend that you follow the steps described above carefully, even if you are impatient and want to start immediately. This approach will pay off in the long run. As your most important online marketing tool, careful planning of your website is essential. Thanks to our experience and empathy, we go through all the steps of website planning together. In the end, you will receive a clear concept and documentation that will serve you well in the future.