What are the steps for creating a website?


Creating a website is a fluid process. The most important aspect is communication. We roughly divide the creation of a "normal" website into the following areas:

Planning / target group identification

A website is only useful as a marketing tool if it appeals to the target groups.
In this step, we therefore first conduct interviews with you. We want to understand the way your company and your target groups see and think. The results are used to create the website concept. It describes the strategy of the site, on which the design, navigation, layout and approach are then based.

Result: Concept as PDF with the elaborated details for addressing, designing, implementing and operating the application.


Based on the results from the planning phase, the basic design of your website is created with the help of our designers. The prototypes are designed for the various output devices such as smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. The next step only takes place if you are impressed by our design.

Result: Design prototypes for all output devices.

Website prototype

We install the basic platform on a development server and design the prototype based on the above results. The front page is already being developed and various page types are being worked out (subpages, archives, search results, products, etc.)

With the help of password-protected access, you can follow the development live. This approach enables ongoing testing and your feedback during the process for the various output devices while the site is being structured and designed.

Result: Website with the basic design, basic functions, menu structure, links home page and exemplary subpages.

"She lives": content transfer, functions and fine-tuning

In this phase, all pages are filled with "life". We enter the desired content. The necessary programming work is carried out. This step varies greatly depending on your requirements. In the agile approach, this milestone is a smooth transition from the initial content transfer to the fine-tuning of the individual texts and elements. We pay attention to details and check whether statements are consistent in terms of content and visuals. It is normal to further customise the structure and design in this phase. Another important step in this phase is the functionality test, e.g. for an online shop or a booking platform.

ResultThe website is fully functional on the development server and ready for installation on the production system.

"Out into the big world": preparing for the launch and going live

The entire website is intensively tested once again, final minor errors and cosmetic improvements are made. Important in this phase is the preparation for going live, e.g. whether the website is indexable for search engines, whether content such as imprint and data protection is available, whether cookie consent needs to be installed, etc.

If your new website project replaces a previous website, URLs will change. This is disadvantageous for search engines. We therefore make sure that no old links are lost. We create a mapping for all indexed URLs so that the search engines are informed and the corresponding redirects are reported.

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