How a website project works with MaiNetCare



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1. "Hello first ..."

The prerequisite for an optimised website is that we get to know you, your business and your needs: What does your day-to-day work look like, who are your customers, what are their needs, what are your plans for the future? And many more questions ...

This takes place in one or more interviews. A structured process is used to develop a concept for the structure and functionality of your website as the basis for the first prototype.

2. the ground is prepared:

Based on the concept, the first prototype for your website is created.

With this approach, we install the basic platform on our development server after the conception phase and start working directly according to the requirements. This approach enables ongoing testing while the site is being structured and designed.

You have access to the website under construction, can follow the progress and intervene to correct and supplement it. This avoids misunderstandings in communication and there are no "nasty surprises" at the end.

In other words, you are live when we build the website.

3. sowing and planting

As with the garden layout: the beds and paths are set up relatively quickly, but then it's down to the finishing touches: for example, images are researched or made by the photographer, graphics are worked out, content is adopted or processes such as ordering systems or event calendars are integrated.

This phase is a smooth transition from prototype to your turnkey website.

4. see everything grow

Now it's time for testing. Does the website work on all output devices such as smartphones or tablets? Do emails / orders arrive? Are search engine relevant terms well covered in terms of content?

And afterwards?

When everything is done to your satisfaction, the website, which was previously developed on our development server, is uploaded to the web host you trust. From this point on, the new website blossoms publicly on the internet. We still carry out final tests and, if desired, install analysis programmes such as Matomo or register your website with Google Search Console.

With our complete services for the maintenance and care of websites you will not have to worry about anything in the future. Updates to content and technology will be taken care of by us. If you prefer to do the work yourself, we will be happy to train you and your staff.

See also


Arrange a consultation appointment

We look forward to hearing from you and advising you in detail on your questions. Give us a call or send us an e-mail.

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