Where the homepages are at home

Rack Area Data Centre IP Projects


Internal messages, website maintenance


Our server partner IP-Projects recently published some interesting insights into their data centre in their blog. Since IP-Projects' server farm also hosts our customers' websites, we would like to share these insights with you.

In case you've ever wondered: This is what it looks like, the place where your homepage is stored and accessed by your visitors. Every page view, every contact request, every shop order of the projects hosted by Mainetcare runs through the computers in these images.

Rack Area Data Centre IP Projects I

Your homepage is also at home somewhere here

For many, the orderly chaos of thick cable harnesses and flashing lights alone exerts a special fascination, but that is just the surface. Beyond that, the photos convey an impression of solidly planned and implemented IT technology. From the efficient power supply, which can also bridge power outages, to the fast network technology, generously designed storage and backup systems, to the neatly installed and configured servers themselves, everything speaks for the performance and reliability of this data centre, and that is what matters in the end.

However, the advantage of knowing that the storage location of your own, existentially important web projects is close by, with competent contact persons who can also be reached, cannot be overestimated. The domestic location also promises a defined legal environment that offers you as a website operator the greatest possible legal security.

We think the pictures of IP-Projects illustrate very nicely why our trust in this provider is a good decision. That is why we are happy to share the photos with you and are confident that you share this impression.

Our server partner IP-Projects recently published some interesting insights into their data centre in their blog. Since IP-Projects' server farm also hosts our customers' websites, we would like to share these insights with you.

We think the pictures of IP-Projects illustrate very nicely why our trust in this provider is a good decision. That is why we are happy to share the photos with you and are confident that you share this impression.

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