Your new Website

Website programming: New or turn old into new

Zusammengefasst: Wir programmieren Ihnen eine individuelle Website oder migrieren Ihre alte Website auf ein neues System.

Sie erhalten ein Festpreisangebot für eine barrierearme und “schlüsselfertige” Website inklusive Installation und Anmeldung bei Suchmaschinen.

What is important to us when building your website

  • We use common design systems, standards and open source software.
  • Your website will be easy to maintain.
  • You will receive video-based instructions on how to maintain and make changes.
  • The website is given a clear structure that your visitors will find easy to navigate.
  • We give you our satisfaction guarantee: If you are not 100% satisfied with the result, you pay not a single euro!


The following prices are guidelines based on experience. The exact final price depends on the complexity of the design, the scope of the pages and the desired additional functions.


One main page, 1-5 subpages

400 - 2.000 €

Small business website

5-20 pages, no additional functions

2.000 - 4.000,- €

Medium-complex website, online shop

20-40 pages, some additional functions

4.000 - 7.000,- €

Complex website

40+ pages, many additional functions

from € 7,000



Protestant Specialist Association for Women's Health e.V.

Screenshot Flensburg Cemeteries

Flensburg park cemeteries

Portal for the Dementia Guide-SH

Dementia Guide Schleswig-Holstein


Website for the Godetied Protestant Spa Centre

Spa centre GODETIED

Website for the Essen Knowledge Foundation

ESSEN WISSEN Eildermann Foundation

Mockup for


Mockup Wulf-Lohnunternehmer website

Wulf contractor

Website mockup for an insurance broker

SSB Insurance Broker Ltd.


Illustration eines Zwergs, der in ein Megaphon schreit

Do you need a new website or do you want to give your existing website a facelift?

Send us your enquiry now. With a few brief details, you can request further advice from our experts. We will contact you shortly.

Fragen und Antworten zu Website-Programmierung

Do you also renew old websites?

Of course we will renew your "old" website. As a rule, an overhaul can take place every 5-7 years.

However, we proceed with caution when revising an old website. The following usually happens. Within the company itself, there are voices pointing to modern websites and design trends and suddenly your own website no longer seems "sexy enough". The first wish is then to throw everything old overboard and start from scratch. This is not always the best decision. In any case, you should realise that your "old" website is also of value. The following points are important to bear in mind:

1. Preservation of SEO value

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is critical. A website that has been on the internet for years has a certain authority in search engines based on content and links. A complete restart with a new URL or even a new domain will always lead to a drop in visibility.

2. Habits of your regular visitors

Regular users of your website, for example blog operators or shop owners, have become accustomed to your structure and design. A radical change causes confusion and is likely to impair user-friendliness. Here you should act sensitively and not with a sledgehammer.

3. Costs

A complete redesign is often more costly and time-consuming than an iterative improvement. Therefore, it can sometimes make more sense to carry out several iterations rather than rebuilding everything from scratch. In our experience, you save a lot of time if you first carry out a moderate design facelift rather than renewing the design, structure and content all at once. We would work with you to focus on the critical areas, prioritise them and improve them step by step. This can sometimes happen over a period of years in small individual projects.

4. Pay attention to existing content

For example, our website contains an ancient blog post that is still frequently clicked on. It is an article on how to create screenshots. It would be fatal for the visibility of this website if we were to renew everything here. We only know this because we carry out regular analyses with our Matomo tool. (You also receive this analysis for your website, starting with the smallest maintenance package that we offer for your website). So before you want to renew everything, make sure you have enough measurement data. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you here.


Of course, we will be happy to renew your website if you wish. However, you should be clear in advance about the type of renewal you want to carry out. In many cases, it makes more sense to proceed in small steps, as the saying goes: How do you eat an elephant? Piece by piece.

Do you also maintain the content of the website?


Content maintenance is an important building block to ensure that your website does not become outdated. We carry out all Maintenance work that a website needs editorially:

  • Changes to texts including correction
  • Editing texts for search engines
  • Adding new news, blog posts, products, FAQs, etc.
  • Links
  • Researching image material, post-processing and uploading
  • Tagging of content
  • Schedule work
  • Updating menus for restaurants
  • PDF editing such as changes in the PDF, merging, redaction. Inserting and linking
  • Entering actions and important information across pages
  • Updating the legal notice and privacy policy

Content maintenance is charged separately on a time and material basis and is charged per 30 minutes or part thereof. Every activity is recorded in our ticket system and of course documented.

How does the planning phase for a website work?

Planning is the cornerstone of a successful website project. And it is your guide for later expansions. The more thoroughly you work through this phase, the smoother the project will run later on. The planning phase for a website project can be broken down as follows:


This is where the basic idea for your website is devised. This includes defining the purpose of the website and identifying the main objectives. Be as precise as possible here, with the goal "I want a nice website that will win me more customers" you are right, but it is too imprecise to work with. If you have problems with this step, we will be happy to advise you.

Target group analysis

The primary and secondary target groups are determined and precisely described for your website (e.g. excerpt from the target group analysis of a website project: "...Our target group is not just people with dementia, but everyone who comes into contact with people with dementia within society. This could be the police, hospitals, carers, but also local authorities, public institutions or retailers, for example.

Vision and strategy

The vision for the website is based on the concept and target groups. It defines the long-term goals of the website and the development of a strategy to achieve them.

Brand development, visual identity and logo

The aim here is to describe the results found above in relation to the brand, logo and visual identity. This phase should not be confused with the actual design phase. For example: "Since our platform is mainly aimed at people who are already stressed and are looking for help quickly, it is important to use colours that are calming and a font that is easy to read and rather factual"

Technical planning

Here it is decided which technologies are to be used for the development of the website.

Don't skip the planning phase!

The planning phase is neglected, especially for small website projects, and sometimes even omitted altogether, purely according to the musician's motto "We fix it in the mix".

We recommend that you follow the steps described above carefully, even if you are impatient and want to start immediately. This approach will pay off in the long run. As your most important online marketing tool, careful planning of your website is essential. Thanks to our experience and empathy, we go through all the steps of website planning together. In the end, you will receive a clear concept and documentation that will serve you well in the future.

How long does it take to create a website?

Of course, we can only name our "part" here. However, the time it takes to create a website also depends on you, namely on the following factors:

  • Are all the results of your website planning and strategy already available? What stage is the website planning process at?
  • What is the quality of your material? (For example, we actually had to scan and edit long texts via OCR because they were only available as screenshots).
  • How many decision-makers are there? The more people involved in the decision-making process, the more time needs to be scheduled.
  • And of course: How big will the website be and how many people are involved in creating the content?

If all the above points are running optimally and you have done your homework, a website project usually takes around four to six weeks for a customised website with the website gardeners, from the start of the order to the launch. Depending on the complexity (online shops, web apps, complex migrations), it can of course take longer.

What are the costs associated with developing a website?

Rough price range of a website project with MaiNetCare

For the development of a WordPress website, where the design is already availableDepending on the scope and complexity of the project, the costs are between €2,000 and €10,000.

Price factors

The factors that influence the price of a website project are:

  • The Scope of the website (how many pages and subpages there are),
  • the required Functionalities and plugins,
  • the Complexity of the design,
  • the necessary Adjustments and special programming,
  • the scope of the SEO-optimisation,
  • the effort involved in adapting to responsive web design (Display on smartphone, tablet, extra large screen),
  • Multilingualism,
  • Integration of Third-party services (e.g. booking systems, shop integrations, online courses)
  • Internal, password-protected areas (e.g. Intranetcourse participants, etc.)
  • Preparation of existing data (e.g. property objects, images, PDF, etc.)
  • Programming of special interfaces to the Export and import from data
  • Special search and Filter options of website data in addition to the full text search
  • Creation of School videos for editorial maintenance

Price range

One-PagerOne main page, 1-5 subpages800,- € - 2.000 €
Simple website5-20 pages, no additional functions2.000,- € - 4.000,- €
Medium-complex website20-40 pages, some additional functions4.000,- € - 7.000,- €
Complex website40+ pages, many additional functionsfrom € 7,000

Guaranteed fixed price

You will always receive a quotation from us in which the services are itemised in detail so that you can see the transparency of our work. At the end there is a Guaranteed fixed priceso that you are not faced with any unexpected additional costs and remain in control.

What are the steps for creating a website?

Creating a website is a fluid process. The most important aspect is communication. We roughly divide the creation of a "normal" website into the following areas:

Planning / target group identification

A website is only useful as a marketing tool if it appeals to the target groups.
In this step, we therefore first conduct interviews with you. We want to understand the way your company and your target groups see and think. The results are used to create the website concept. It describes the strategy of the site, on which the design, navigation, layout and approach are then based.

Result: Concept as PDF with the elaborated details for addressing, designing, implementing and operating the application.


Based on the results from the planning phase, the basic design of your website is created with the help of our designers. The prototypes are designed for the various output devices such as smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. The next step only takes place if you are impressed by our design.

Result: Design prototypes for all output devices.

Website prototype

We install the basic platform on a development server and design the prototype based on the above results. The front page is already being developed and various page types are being worked out (subpages, archives, search results, products, etc.)

With the help of password-protected access, you can follow the development live. This approach enables ongoing testing and your feedback during the process for the various output devices while the site is being structured and designed.

Result: Website with the basic design, basic functions, menu structure, links home page and exemplary subpages.

"She lives": content transfer, functions and fine-tuning

In this phase, all pages are filled with "life". We enter the desired content. The necessary programming work is carried out. This step varies greatly depending on your requirements. In the agile approach, this milestone is a smooth transition from the initial content transfer to the fine-tuning of the individual texts and elements. We pay attention to details and check whether statements are consistent in terms of content and visuals. It is normal to further customise the structure and design in this phase. Another important step in this phase is the functionality test, e.g. for an online shop or a booking platform.

ResultThe website is fully functional on the development server and ready for installation on the production system.

"Out into the big world": preparing for the launch and going live

The entire website is intensively tested once again, final minor errors and cosmetic improvements are made. Important in this phase is the preparation for going live, e.g. whether the website is indexable for search engines, whether content such as imprint and data protection is available, whether cookie consent needs to be installed, etc.

If your new website project replaces a previous website, URLs will change. This is disadvantageous for search engines. We therefore make sure that no old links are lost. We create a mapping for all indexed URLs so that the search engines are informed and the corresponding redirects are reported.