SEO and security: Why website security is a ranking factor for Google

An open laptop stands on the table. You can see the Google search box on the screen. Security is a ranking factor for Google, and the image symbolises this.


Search engine optimisation

If you want to be successful on Google, security is an important prerequisite. Search engines rate websites according to numerous ranking factors - including how secure your website is. If malicious software is discovered on your website, in the worst case scenario this can lead to Google blocking your website. Even if you then clean up the website completely, it may take some time before it is displayed again.

Don't jeopardise your SEO success by making such gross mistakes! We explain what is important!

Improve SEO ranking through technical maintenance

SEO ranking factors include user-friendliness, for example. If malicious programmes are running unnoticed on your website, technical errors will occur more and more frequently. These failures drive away website visitors. Google will notice the increasing bounce rate and rate your site lower as a result.

In return, user-friendliness improves when you invest in security. For example, if you carry out regular software updates, your site will be less prone to technical errors. This leads to greater satisfaction among website visitors. And this positive user experience can be reflected in a good Google ranking.

SSL certificate is a door opener for Google

A valid SSL certificate makes your website more attractive to search engines. The certificate guarantees that the user data on your website is encrypted in compliance with the GDPR. SSL stands for "Secure Sockets Layer" - a kind of protective wall that guarantees a secure internet connection. The transmitted data is encrypted so that it is safe from hacker attacks. Websites with an SSL certificate contain HTTPS in the web address instead of HTTP. Search engines favour websites that comply with this data protection standard. When clicking on websites without a valid SSL certificate, Google displays a warning that can deter potential visitors. And the drop in visitor numbers will in turn affect your overall performance. In this respect, an SSL certificate is one of the Google ranking factors.

Speed pays off - stay up-to-date

Regular maintenance of your website includes, for example, daily software updates. On the one hand, the updates close dangerous security gaps. But they also ensure fast surfing - so that your homepage is immediately displayed to the website visitor without a long wait. A fast loading time is one of the SEO ranking factors and is rewarded by search engines. Regular software updates also ensure maximum compatibility with the latest end devices. If you open an outdated website on a smart new mobile phone, you could be in for a huge disappointment. Suddenly the display is faulty, links don't work and the layout is completely messed up. This user will certainly not come back. Avoid a bad first impression by carrying out regular updates.

We are happy to help you with the implementation of your website security.


  • Google blocks hacked websites
  • You can avoid technical failures due to hacker attacks
  • Security measures increase user-friendliness and ensure a low bounce rate, which Google rewards
  • Updates prevent broken links or annoying display errors
  • Outdated software is sometimes incompatible with new devices, discourages visitors
  • Fast loading times are a ranking factor for search engines
  • Websites with an SSL certificate are more popular with Google

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