Webgärtner's website guide

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Writing alternative texts for images correctly? First aid tips from the website gardeners

Terms such as "alt attribute" or "alt tag" give many hobby gardeners a headache. But don't worry, it's not that complicated! The website gardeners explain what's behind it: "Alt" stands for alternative; the German word "Attribut" or...

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Messages to GMail not deliverable? A quick solution.

With error messages with the subject "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender", the destination server of our mail informs us that it is unable to forward our message to the desired destination address. Very specific error messages...

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PDF invoice printing with WordPress and WooCommerce

If you operate an online shop based on WooCommerce with the German Market add-on, you already have a convenient function for creating PDF invoices and printing invoices on board. We'll show you how...

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WordPress beginner tips

A few beginner tips for daily (or occasional) work with WordPress. No secret hacks, but the little settings that help especially with the first steps with WordPress, but are easy to overlook.

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Access data under control

Convenience in dealing with access data and passwords often leads to security risks. Yet secure solutions are not that difficult.

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Sequence for WordPress updates

For the secure operation of a Wordpress site, it is necessary to regularly update both the basic system and the extensions. For reasons of operational safety, it is advisable to follow a certain sequence of steps.

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Help, my Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge is showing me old or broken content....

After changes have been made as part of website maintenance, we often receive feedback from customers such as "Everything still looks the same as before" or "But now the website is completely broken!" What's going on...

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Video conferencing simple and secure

Video conferencing is currently experiencing an unexpected increase in popularity. People are working and learning from home and so many of them, more or less forced by circumstances, are taking their first steps with video-supported conversations at...

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What fonts are used for headings and text on our site?

"That looks nice, I wonder what font that is? And what colour?" In web development, as in the garden, it's always interesting to look at the results of other creators....

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How big do photos actually have to be that you place in the margin or in a gallery?

If you want to embellish your web garden with new images, first check the maximum planned display size of the graphics and scale the image files to this pixel size. The suitable file format for the output results from...

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How to make a screenshot of the complete homepage

Gerry the web gardener answers the question how to make a screenshot of a complete homepage.

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