Webgärtner's website guide

Category "Website technology". View all posts

Writing alternative texts for images correctly? First aid tips from the website gardeners

Terms such as "alt attribute" or "alt tag" give many hobby gardeners a headache. But don't worry, it's not that complicated! The website gardeners explain what's behind it: "Alt" stands for alternative; the German word "Attribut" or...

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List of measures for optimising loading times of mobile pages

This article contains a list of measures you can take yourself to make your site load faster. A fast website is another factor to get a better ranking in Google.

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Pagespeed and user-friendliness: Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor

Experience factors, i.e. user-friendliness parameters, are increasingly playing a significant role in Google rankings. In particular, the Core Web Vitals, a series of measured values for the loading time of websites, are being given greater consideration. This means that beyond the content...

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Pagespeed analysis made easy - measure the loading time of my homepage with one mouse click

Pagespeed, the loading time of a website, is a topic that is once again gaining in importance in the development and operation of websites. Last but not least, Google, probably the most important search engine provider, never tires of emphasising the...

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Access data under control

Convenience in dealing with access data and passwords often leads to security risks. Yet secure solutions are not that difficult.

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Sequence for WordPress updates

For the secure operation of a Wordpress site, it is necessary to regularly update both the basic system and the extensions. For reasons of operational safety, it is advisable to follow a certain sequence of steps.

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Where the homepages are at home

Our server partner IP-Projects recently published some interesting insights into its data centre in its blog. As our customers' websites are also hosted in IP-Projects' server farm, we would like to share these insights with you.

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Why hosting always means management and managed hosting is sometimes simply better

Managed hosting means that a service provider takes care of the entire hosting process and automatically carries out the maintenance work in the background, which means that you are spared cryptic requests from your hoster - and protected from scenarios like this...

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Why WordPress as CMS?

WordPress is the most widely used CMS system in the world. There are thousands and thousands (no exaggeration) of articles on the Internet that deal with the architecture and extensions of this system. Here are just a few of the advantages...

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