How to search only for specific content types with the Elementor search form?

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Elementor Pro besitzt ein Widget namens “Suchformular”. Dieses eignet sich für die hübsche Gestaltung von Suchformularen. In der Programmatik ist dieses Suchformular leider beschränkt.

Question: How can I modify the Elementor search form to restrict the search to certain content types (e.g. search only for Posts, Pages, Products, FAQ, ...)?

Answer / Solution:

  1. Give the widget a unique ID, e.g. mnc_search_posts
  2. Insert the following code into functions.php:
    add_action( 'elementor_pro/search_form/after_input', function( \ElementorPro\Modules\ThemeElements\Widgets\Search_Form $form ) {
       if($form->get_settings()['_element_id'] ?? null === 'mnc_search_posts') {
          echo '';
    }, 10, 1 );