
When creating a customised language selector for TranslatePress

$arr = trp_custom_language_switcher();Code language: PHP (php)

$arr returns a multi-dimensional array with all the necessary parameters to render an individual language selector within a loop.

In the frontend, however, when the foreign language was activated, the entry of the array was deleted with the key

"<span class="sf-dump-key">current_page_url</span>" => "<span class="sf-dump-str" title="32 characters">https://example.test/</span>"Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

overwritten with language: JavaScript (javascript)

The "en" doesn't belong there!


A separate snippet, where you can switch between the languages and then integrate this via ShortCode, e.g:

add_shortcode( 'mnc_lang_switcher', function ( $atts = [], $content = null, $tag = '' ) {
	global $post;
	if ( ! function_exists( 'trp_custom_language_switcher' ) ) {
	$arr              = trp_custom_language_switcher();
	$current_language = get_locale();
	$s = [];
	$arial_label = __( 'Sprachwähler', 'YOUR-THEME-DOMAIN' );
	foreach ( $arr as $lang ) {
		$url =  $lang['current_page_url'];
		$linktext = $lang['language_name'];
		if(strtolower($linktext) === 'german') {
			$linktext = 'Deutsch';
		$class = get_locale() === $lang['language_code'] ? 'active' : '';
		$s[] = sprintf('<a data-no-translation-href class="%s" href="%s">%s</a>', $class, $url, $linktext);
	$links = implode("\n", $s);
	return <<<OUT
<nav aria-label="$arial_label" class="mnc_lang_switch" data-no-translation>
} );
Code language: PHP (php)