Webgärtner's website tips

  • SEO Treasure Hunt Part 1: The adventure begins.

    Search engine optimisation for website maintenance There is an overgrown area in the woods behind your well-tended garden. Rumour has it that dangerous animals live there. Neighbours have heard strange noises and seen huge shadows. They say a daring hiker...

  • Messages to GMail not deliverable? A quick solution.

    With error messages with the subject "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender", the destination server of our mail informs us that it is unable to forward our message to the desired destination address. Very specific error messages...

  • WooCommerce: Shipping costs - and packaging per bottle

    A surcharge on the flat-rate shipping costs of an online shop, depending on the number of items of a certain packaging type - is that even possible? At the request of a customer, we found out how this can be implemented in WooCommerce. The...

  • Use favicons correctly

    Favicons are small graphics that are used to symbolise a website by displaying the company logo, for example. Originally used for display in the header/tab area of the browser window or in bookmark and favourites lists (hence favicon), these icons fulfil...

  • The Co2 footprint of your website

    Now I want my website to contribute to global warming - how is that possible? If your website contains a lot of moving graphics, for example, your web browser needs more computing power to render the animations. The...

  • What are cookies on the internet?

    Cookies are small text sequences of information that are stored directly in your browser. They are mainly used to store useful things such as your login or the current contents of your shopping basket. Why is this necessary at all?

  • I know what you did on the internet

    Time and again, we receive questions such as "Why do I get suggestions for my private hobbies and preferences on Instagram, even though I'm logged in there with my business email?" or "How does Amazon know about my purchasing preferences...

  • A new website for ESSEN WISSEN Foundation Eildermann

    We are proud to announce the addition of another beautiful garden website to our garden colony. The website Essen-Wissen.de was rebuilt with our page builder. The primary customer request was that the content should be largely created by the employees...

  • Current phishing scam: Your email inbox is full

    Recently, there has been an increase in phishing emails purporting to come from large Internet providers such as Strato or 1und1 and informing the addressee that their email inbox is full. Of course, there is also a request to register on a...

  • Why are links actually underlined and blue?

    The "link" is so burnt into the brain as a design element on the internet that it is only perceived subconsciously. But when did these things actually start to exist? A journey back into uncharted territory on the Mozilla blog.


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