
Website maintenance

Help, my Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge shows me old or broken content

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To force your browser to load the current content, just press a key combination:


  • Hold the <STRG>-Taste gedrückt und klicken Sie dann auf das “Neuladen” Symbol
  • Hold the <STRG>-key and press the F5


  • Hold the + buttons gedrückt und drücken Sie die Taste “R” (Reload)

If your browser is particularly stubborn, simply use the incognito mode and enter the URL there.


The changes are put online, we notify our customers about them and we get the feedback. We then get the feedback more often:

“Bei mir sieht noch alles so aus wie vorher” or

“Jetzt ist die Website aber ganz kaputt!”

... In most cases, the whole thing is not so bad. For most visitors, the website looks fine, just not for your case in particular, if you have loaded the website only recently and your browser has been open since then.

Verantwortlich ist der “Browser-Cache”. Firefox, Chrome, Edge oder Safari speichern nämlich die Inhalte auf dem Rechner temporär zwischen, um Ladezeit zu sparen.

It can then happen that although the HTML changes are reloaded from the server, an old script library responsible for the design or function is still cached on your computer, leading to unpredictable behaviour.

This laziness of not constantly making requests are there to increase the loading speed but sometimes you just want to see the latest change and all the images, all the libraries and all the rest should be freshly downloaded from the server.

Redirections are particularly stubborn. If a URL has been redirected and then this redirection has been undone, a browser can be very stubborn and display the old redirection no matter how often you refresh.

If you don't want to wait for the problem to go away on its own after some time (because it does), you can manually clear the browser cache. Here are the common solutions:

Mozilla Firefox on the laptop or desktop PC:

Google Chrome on the laptop or desktop PC:

  • Settings (three dots top right) -> Data protection and security -> Delete images and files in the cache
  • Alternative: Den Incognito mode use.

Safari on the laptop or desktop:

Here, the first thing to do is to Developer menu to be made displayablebut after that it goes very quickly:

  • “Safari” -> “Einstellungen” -> “Erweitert” -> Häkchen bei “Entwickler Menü anzeigen” setzen.
  • Jetzt erscheint das Entwickler Menü in der Menüleiste zwischen “Lesezeichen” und “Fenster”
  • Menü “Entwickler” -> “Cache Speicher leeren”

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