
Website maintenance

Perfectly planned websites - are an illusion

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A plan for the creation of a homepage

A fatal decision you can make as a website creator is to plan your website down to the smallest detail.

You cannot plan a tree. You can only plan to plant it in a favourable spot. You can't plan how to swim: but you can plan to learn to do it on a body of water where there are no three-metre-high waves and foul-tempered sharks.

A website accompanies you on the journey of your company's lifetime. You can plan its structure that allows for growth and you can plan the technology that allows for expansion.

But then you should start. Because the experience you gain through mistakes and feedback is more valuable than a lengthy and usually frustrating planning phase that aims to present itself "perfectly".

Have the courage to simply get started with your ideas.

More on this topic

E-commerce: Create a webshop

The ongoing coronavirus crisis is forcing many shops, especially smaller ones, to close their local shops for longer and longer periods of time. Online retail, however, is flourishing. In this situation, even small retailers have the opportunity to successfully expand online with good ideas.

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No selfies on your website

As an entrepreneur, artist or organisation, you are often tempted to present yourself differently on the Internet than you really are. We call it the "selfie" effect: the web is full of happy faces. But which people remain...

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Why WordPress as CMS?

WordPress is the most widely used CMS system in the world. There are thousands and thousands (no exaggeration) of articles on the Internet that deal with the architecture and extensions of this system. Here are just a few of the advantages...

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