
Search engine optimisation

SEO treasure hunt part 2: Writing good website texts

Table of contents

3 tips on how to convince readers and search engines!

Im ersten Teil unserer Artikel-Serie haben wir das Abenteuer begonnen und uns ein Stück in den tiefen Wald der Suchmaschinenoptimierung gewagt. Vielleicht haben Sie auf der Reise wirklich schon wilde Tiere oder märchenhafte Fabelwesen gesehen. Doch das kann Sie nicht abschrecken, weiter nach dem Schatz zu suchen. Sie haben bereits wertvolles Wissen gesammelt und kennen die Bedeutung von Schlüsselwörtern (englisch “keywords”). Jetzt erfahren Sie, wie Sie passende Suchbegriffe gezielt einsetzen, um gute Webseiten-Texte zu schreiben.

Give the leprechaun what he desires

You write SEO texts just like a particularly reader-friendly text. Because search engines copy human behaviour. Google is, so to speak, a little leprechaun that is supposed to understand and evaluate texts like a human being. And humans are one thing above all: impatient! Internet users, for example, want to quickly find a solution to their computer problem or know where their favourite jam is cheapest. They usually read websites crosswise to check whether the content is useful or not. Their gaze falls primarily on headings, introductions, subtitles or the first sentence of each section of text. Take advantage of this behaviour and place your keywords exactly where they are most effective.

Season with keywords - without overdoing it

Good website texts should be easy to understand. Therefore, use clear language and avoid too much repetition. Google used to rate a particularly high keyword density as positive. Today it's different, because the clever leprechaun has learned that people don't like that. A text that is obviously overflowing with keywords is difficult to read and boring. Therefore, in addition to your central catchword, use a variety of related terms to make the content varied and exciting. If the reader is satisfied and likes to stay on your website instead of jumping off immediately, this in turn improves your SEO rating.

Format for all you're worth

Once you have put your text into a clear structure, you should underline this with the right formatting. Marking headings and subheadings helps the reader to skim the text. However, do not use the normal bold font for this, but use the stored heading hierarchy: H1 for headings and H2 for subheadings. This makes for an attractive layout, but is also good for SEO optimisation: because you send a signal to Google - here is particularly important information, i.e. my keywords, with which I want to be found. And so much diligence will hopefully be rewarded!

To be continued ... in part 3 you will learn what you can do in the background of the website to improve your SEO results.

You can find more articles on search engine optimised writing at the following links:




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