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Search engine optimisation
Why SEO? Checklist for companies & the self-employed

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Why SEO? Have you always wondered what this mysterious SEO is all about? We answer all your questions at a glance!

Search engine optimisation
SEO and security: Why website security is a ranking factor for Google

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

If you want to be successful on Google, security is an important prerequisite. Because secure websites are ahead in search engines! Read here which ranking factors are important...

Search engine optimisation
Improve SEO ranking: The best tactics for beginners

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Pleasing search engines is becoming increasingly important. Internet users worldwide make around 8 billion search queries every day. Most of them end up on Google, the market leader in Germany. Read here which

Search engine optimisation
SEO for companies - why the investment pays off

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Is SEO worthwhile for companies? Small and medium-sized companies with a small marketing budget in particular want clear answers here! We have therefore compiled the most important points for you to help you make a decision.

Search engine optimisation
Hands off new URLs! Why you should never change your old URLs

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

New URL, new luck? Not at all! A website relaunch can be a huge dilemma in terms of SEO. Experience has shown that new website addresses are not at all popular with search engines. Changing a URL can therefore be risky

Search engine optimisation
What is the difference between SEO and SEA?

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

SEO and SEA are online marketing measures to improve the visibility of your website. You can find a detailed explanation here...

Search engine optimisation
Keyword research guide: How to find suitable keywords for search engine optimisation

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Do you have a great homepage with exciting articles or an online shop with super products? Great! Then the world should get to know your website! But how do you manage to attract the right customers

Search engine optimisation
External linking in SEO - ally yourself with "good neighbours". Read now how backlinks in SEO help you with your Google rankings

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

If other websites link to your homepage, this can help you with search engine optimisation. You can find out what is behind the so-called "backlinks" here...

Search engine optimisation
How to use internal links for seo - easy tips for search engine optimization

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Internal links on your homepage have an influence on your success on Google & Co. Here you can find out how to use internal links in a targeted manner!

Search engine optimisation
How to use seo links and urls on your website for search engine optimization

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Find out here why links are worth their weight in gold when it comes to search engine optimisation. With so-called SEO links you can gain more clicks for your homepage and improve your Google results!

Search engine optimisation
SEO treasure hunt part 3: The 1×1 for website images

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Or: In search of the white horse... Congratulations! You already know how to research suitable search terms and write good website texts. Now let's take a closer look at the topic of website images.

Search engine optimisation
SEO treasure hunt part 2: Writing good website texts

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

3 tips on how to win over readers and search engines! In the first part of our article series, we embarked on an adventure and ventured into the deep forest of search engine optimisation. Perhaps

Search engine optimisation
SEO Treasure Hunt Part 1: The adventure begins.

A watering can from which water flows - in the typical illustration style of Mainetcare.

Search engine optimisation for website maintenance There is an overgrown area in the woods behind your well-tended garden. Rumour has it that dangerous animals live there. Neighbours have heard strange noises and seen huge shadows.