June 2025 it will be mandatory: the accessible website

Keyboard that has signs for accessibility


Website maintenance

June 2025 marks an important turning point: from this date, accessibility for websites and apps will become legally binding under the Accessibility Improvement Act (BFSG). This is a decisive step towards ensuring that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can make full use of the internet.

What does "accessible website" mean?

An accessible website enables all users, including people with disabilities, older people and other user groups, to access, use and understand content. Such a website is compatible with a variety of devices, including technical aids that make it possible, for example, to have texts read aloud.

Essentials Elements an accessible website:

  • Clear, standard-compliant HTML code: This ensures a structured presentation of content that guarantees a clear hierarchy and meaning of the information. - Example: Use semantic HTML tags such as `
    `, `
  • Clear organisation: A logical structure of the website facilitates orientation. - Example: Use heading hierarchies (H1 to H6) to structure the content.
  • Customised contrasts and font sizes: These should be designed in such a way that they can also be easily perceived by users with visual impairments. - Example: Ensuring sufficient contrast between text and background and offering options for adjusting the font size.
  • Alternative texts for media:  - Example: Images, videos and other media should contain meaningful descriptions that can be read by screen readers.
  • Clear labelling of interactive elements: Elements such as forms should be clearly recognisable visually and accessible via different operating methods. - Example: Clear labelling and visible borders for all form entries and buttons help users to easily recognise where they need to enter their information and what actions they can perform. Input fields should also be selectable in several ways, including with the tabulator tab.

Who has to implement the changes?

This regulation affects almost everyone who trades or offers services online. Even if you mainly operate local shops, you are subject to the accessibility obligation if you offer electronic services such as online forms or booking calendars.

Make preparations

You can test the current status of your website yourself online. There are online tools for checking individual requirements such as colour/contrast, keyboard operability or compatibility with technical aids.

On the website of "Aktion Mensch" you will find a summary of some test options:


Using the various self-tests, you can adjust the individual criteria to achieve an accessible website step by step. If you would like to entrust the redesign to professionals: We, the MaiNetCare - family, will be happy to help you!


  • From 28 June 2025, the barrier-free website is mandatory, https://bfsg-gesetz.de/
  • People with physical or mental disabilities should be able to access your homepage
  • the website must be accessible with various devices and technical aids
  •  the regulation applies to all online shops and to all those who offer "e-commerce services"
  • Small businesses are exempt   

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