Regular website maintenance - Part 2: Making your website secure & keeping pests away

Comic of a voracious caterpillar with a leaf - symbolising a hacked website


Website maintenance
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The terror for every gardener:

No sooner has the garden bloomed in its most glorious colours than voracious pests start to spread.
If aphids, ants and snails feed unhindered through your garden, the splendour of your plants will soon come to an end.

Now you need to act quickly to avert the worst chaos!

Or even better:
You don't let it get that far! It's exactly the same with your website. With regular maintenance, you can make your website secure and thus achieve the best protection against hacker attacks.

What is a "hacked website"?

In most cases, a website consists of a content management system such as WordPress, Contao or Typo3. This is a combination of files and data from a database.

Infographic of the structure of a website. If you want to make a website secure, you need to understand the structure exactly.

Website visitors normally only have read-only access to the data on your homepage. They can view the pages and only use certain functions. For example, they can fill in a form or log in to your online shop to make a purchase.

A hacker can either gain write access to your website or read protected areas of your database. This allows them to access sensitive information such as email addresses or account details of your online shop's customers. This is of course a huge disaster for data protection! To prevent data theft, you as a website operator must make your website secure against such attacks.

Once a hacker has write access, they can cause a great deal of damage. With the help of infected software (malware), they can manipulate your website almost at will. One example is links on your site. Suddenly, existing links that are supposed to lead to subpages are reprogrammed so that they lead to propaganda pages, for example.

Or the malware eats its way through your online shop and tricks your visitors into believing they are in a fake login area. As soon as visitors log in, the malware collects this login data and can steal personal data.

What are the consequences of a hacker attack for you?

A hacked website is like a burglary in your house and first and foremost means enormous stress for you as a business owner.

  • The legal damage:
    As a website operator, you are responsible for your website. You must ensure adequate protection against hacker attacks when managing sensitive data. If cyber criminals have had an easy time of it, you could face legal consequences. Even if you can prove in court that you have behaved correctly, a legal dispute always involves a lot of trouble and stress.
  • The financial damage:
    A hacker attack causes high costs. In most cases, you need professional help to repair the technical damage. This means you need to find a web agency in no time at all that has the time and capacity to help you on an ad hoc basis via an emergency service. Then there are the costs of a possible legal dispute and not forgetting the loss of your online business, which may not be recoverable.
  • The damage to our image:
    A hacked website means a loss of trust! If masses of spam mails are sent in your name or dubious sites are linked, this damages your company's reputation. It can lead to customers and partners preferring to go to the competition.
  • The temporal damage:
    In addition to all the hassle, it naturally takes time to get everything back to normal. A website can be hacked within a second, and getting everything back to normal can take days, weeks and even months.

Watch out money savers: Prevention is worth hard cash

Investing regularly in website security is much cheaper than calling for professional help in an emergency.

Web agencies offer effective protection against hacker attacks with monthly security packages. If malicious software is installed, this is immediately recognised and can be rectified immediately with minor measures.

The process is similar to pest control in the garden: When you discover the first aphids, you may still be able to drive them away with small household remedies such as washing-up liquid and coffee. If you have a complete pest infestation on your doorstep due to negligent garden maintenance, combating it will become increasingly time-consuming and costly.

Our security & maintenance package is particularly worthwhile for small companies that want to achieve the greatest benefit with a small budget. If you want to make your website secure, we will be happy to support you. You can find out what our detailed service package includes here:


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We look forward to hearing from you and advising you in detail on your questions. Give us a call or send us an e-mail.

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