Webgärtner's website guide

Integrate your own calendar on the website

Sometimes you don't want to maintain everything twice and three times. You have a public calendar on Google or Apple or Microsoft Office or - very commendably - in your own NextCloud and want to keep it...

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June 2025 it will be mandatory: the accessible website

June 2025 marks an important turning point: from this date, accessibility for websites and apps will become legally binding under the Accessibility Improvement Act (BFSG). This is a decisive step towards ensuring that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can access all...

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The dark side of cheap hosting: when bad neighbours become a threat

Cheap hosting harbours risks from "bad neighbours" who misuse the server's resources or pose security risks, which in turn can damage your website.

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The perfect landing page: Convince search engines and customers with these tips!

The perfect landing page helps you to turn readers into new customers! Increase the success of your homepage with these tips...

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What is DKIM?

DKIM is an Internet technology designed to make email communications more credible by showing whether emails really come from who they appear to come from, and that the content of the email "in transit" is not...

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Merry artificially intelligent Christmas 2023 - or "Hossa AI"

From the challenge of creating a Christmas greeting with the help of AI to our topics for 2024.

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Why SEO? Checklist for companies & the self-employed

Why SEO? Have you always wondered what this mysterious SEO is all about? We answer all your questions at a glance!

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SEO and security: Why website security is a ranking factor for Google

If you want to be successful on Google, security is an important prerequisite. Because secure websites are ahead in search engines! Read here which ranking factors are important...

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Regular website maintenance - Part 2: Making your website secure & keeping pests away

The horror for every gardener: as soon as the garden is blooming in its most glorious colours, voracious pests are already spreading.....

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Regular website maintenance - Part 1: The right content

In our new series on "Website maintenance", we show you how to turn your website back into a flourishing garden in small steps.

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Improve SEO ranking: The best tactics for beginners

Pleasing search engines is becoming increasingly important. Internet users worldwide make around 8 billion search queries every day. Most of them end up on Google, the market leader in Germany. Read here which tactics you can use to win over Google...

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SEO for companies - why the investment pays off

Is SEO worthwhile for companies? Small and medium-sized companies with a small marketing budget in particular want clear answers here! We have therefore compiled the most important points for you to help you make a decision.

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Hands off new URLs! Why you should never change your old URLs

New URL, new luck? Not at all! A website relaunch can be a huge dilemma in terms of SEO. Experience has shown that new website addresses are not at all popular with search engines. Changing a URL can therefore be risky. We explain why...

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What is the difference between SEO and SEA?

SEO and SEA are online marketing measures to improve the visibility of your website. You can find a detailed explanation here...

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Keyword research guide: How to find suitable keywords for search engine optimisation

Do you have a great homepage with exciting articles or an online shop with super products? Great! Then the world should get to know your website! But how do you manage to attract the right customers? With search engine optimisation (SEO)...

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