A documentation of GIT version control that can be grasped very quickly through visualisation:
A documentation of GIT version control that can be grasped very quickly through visualisation:
Problem: If you create different tabs in Tabreiter Pro and reload the page, only the 1st tab is opened. For an improved UX, it would be nice if the last tab opened remained open. Solution:...
Problem By default, the smart spacing of ACSS ensures distances between sections that are created with Gutenberg (or not with Bricksbuilder). This behaviour is not intended when working with Gutenbricks, for example. There normally...
In short, PHP provides two useful operators to simplify condition checks: the ternary operator (?:) and the null coalescing operator (??). Both operators are used to tighten up the code and improve readability, but...
The following shortcode snippet is useful for disguising emails to protect them from SPAM. Please note that this method only works if Javascript is activated. In addition, there is no 100%igen protection against bots,...
Problem When creating a customised language selector for TranslatePress, $arr returns a multidimensional array with all necessary parameters to render a customised language selector within a loop. In the frontend, however, when activating the language...
Elementor Pro has a widget called "Search form". This is suitable for the attractive design of search forms. Unfortunately, this search form is limited in its programming. Question: How can you modify the Elementor search form so that you can...
With the posts widget in Elementor, you can easily display other posts, pages, products or custom post types (CPT) (= user-defined content types) on a page in a loop. Then it gets tricky...
Elementor: Version 3.72 Behaviour: An Elementor popup opens, but no longer closes (when clicking on icon or Esc or other triggers). If you look in the source code, you will find the Javascript error message: "Elementor t.entrance_animation_duration is undefined" Cause:...
Problem: Local Change List under PHPStorm is missing in the Git Tool Solution: From time to time I had the phenomenon that the Local Changelist (the files in my version control) were not visible as tabs in the Git tool....
Problem: The parameter transfer of a blade attribute does not work, the variable in the component is empty. There is no error message, but the variable does not appear to have been passed. Solution: The error may lie in the usage...
Problem: If you are creating a Laravel app, for example, and are wondering why PHPStorm or WebStorm is not performing autocompletion for your CSS classes in blade templates or HTML files, it is most likely due to the fact that the...
Appearance: Submitting commands via WP CLI, but WordPress in the browser works. This error often occurs when the WP CL interpreter cannot correctly interpret the database connection in wp-config.php. Solution: In 99% of all cases the...
There is a wonderful Alfred workflow on the Mac that converts Px to Rem: Download direct link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vitorgalvao/requested-alfred-workflows/master/Workflows/PxRemEm.alfredworkflow Simply install, then type CMD-Space: Alfred Bar "pxrem" and enter the number in pixels. The conversion to REM will...
Preparation: Homebrew should be installed Valet should be installed and running: https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/valet Browser extension for PHPSTORM should be installed: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/browser-debugging-extensions.html gerry@webgarten ~ % brew install pecl gerry@webgarten ~ % pecl install xdebug In case of error message: Warning:...